OData query options with D365F&O (Part 1)

As we all know, OData provides a standardized way for applications like D365F&O to expose their data, making it easier for developers and IT pros to work with, integrate, and leverage the data for a wide range of purposes.

Though Odata querying is familiar to us, I will give a brief walkthrough of various CRUD operations with D365F&O.


Below query filters the Customer records having 90 CustomerGroup id along the count.

/data/CustomersV3?$filter= CustomerGroupId eq '90'&$count=true

Another example of filter

{{url}}/data/CustomerPostalAddresses?$filter=CustomerAccountNumber eq 'US-028'

{{url}}/data/CustomersV3?$filter= SalesCurrencyCode eq 'EUR'

Fetch the count of entire table from the default company



Fetches the data from non-default company of user.

{{url}}/data/CustomerGroups?cross-company=true&$filter=dataAreaId eq 'usrt'


Fetches the metadata of the Odata entities.


Syntax to pass the Enum values in the query. Below query fetches the data from SalesTable for Invoiced orders.

{{url}}/data/SalesOrderHeadersV2?$filter= SalesOrderStatus eq Microsoft.Dynamics.DataEntities.SalesStatus'Invoiced'&$count=true


Fetches top 5 customers and orders by Country in descending order

{{url}}/data/CustomersV3?$top= 5&$orderby=AddressCountryRegionId desc


This option queries the related data from the tables. For instance, below syntax fetches corresponding Purchlines from the Purch Table.

D365FO supports only one level of Expansion. For instance , it is not possible to add InventDim to fetch the details of dimensions.

    "@odata.context": "https://psandbox01.sandbox.operations.dynamics.com/data/$metadata#PurchaseOrderHeaders",
    "value": [
            "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzAsMjI1NjU0MjMxODA7MCwwOzAsMjI1NjU0MjY5ODk7MCwwOzAsMCc=\"",
            "dataAreaId": "usmf",
            "PurchaseOrderNumber": "000002",
            "ExpectedStoreAvailableSalesDate": "1900-01-01T12:00:00Z",
            "VendorInvoiceDeclarationId": "",
            "OrderVendorAccountNumber": "US-102",            
            "TotalDiscountPercentage": 0,            
            "BuyerGroupId": "10",
            "DeliveryAddressCountryRegionISOCode": "US",
            "CashDiscountCode": "2%D30",
            "PaymentScheduleName": "",
            "IntrastatTransactionCode": "",
            "URL": "",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "ConfirmingPurchaseOrderCodeLanguageId": "",
            "InvoiceType": "Invoice",
            "ArePricesIncludingSalesTax": "No",
            "DeliveryAddressLocationId": "000001098",
            "GSTSelfBilledInvoiceApprovalNumber": "",
            "IsDeliveredDirectly": "No",
            "IntrastatStatisticsProcedureCode": "",
            "InvoiceVendorAccountNumber": "US-102",
            "DeliveryAddressStreet": "213 South Street, Gate 1",            
            "TotalDiscountVendorGroupCode": "03",
            "PurchaseOrderLines": [
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzAsNTYzNzE0NjA3NjswLDIyNTY1NDI2OTg5OzAsMDswLDA7MCw1NjM3MTQ0NTgxOzAsMDswLDAn\"",
                    "dataAreaId": "usmf",
                    "PurchaseOrderNumber": "000002",
                    "LineNumber": 1,
                    "ProcurementProductCategoryName": "",
                    "Tax1099SAddressOrLegalDescription": "",
                    "FixedAssetNumber": "",
                    "Tax1099GTaxYear": 0,
                    "ProjectSalesUnitSymbol": "",
                    "OrderedPurchaseQuantity": 2480,
                    "FormattedDelveryAddress": "213 South Street, Gate 1\nGalvin, WA 98544\nUSA",
                    "ProjectCategoryId": "",
                    "ItemNumber": "M0005",
                    "AccountingDistributionTemplateName": "",
                    "DeliveryAddressDescription": "Site 1"                   
                    "@odata.etag": "W/\"JzAsNTYzNzE0NjA3NzswLDIyNTY1NDI2OTg5OzAsMDswLDA7MCw1NjM3MTQ0NTgyOzAsMDswLDAn\"",
                    "dataAreaId": "usmf",
                    "PurchaseOrderNumber": "000002",
                    "LineNumber": 2,
                    "ProcurementProductCategoryName": "",
                    "Tax1099SAddressOrLegalDescription": "",
                    "FixedAssetNumber": "",
                    "Tax1099GTaxYear": 0,
                    "ProjectSalesUnitSymbol": "",
                    "OrderedPurchaseQuantity": 12,
                    "FormattedDelveryAddress": "213 South Street, Gate 1\nGalvin, WA 98544\nUSA",
                    "ProjectCategoryId": "",
                    "ItemNumber": "M0005",
                    "AccountingDistributionTemplateName": "",
                    "DeliveryAddressDescription": "Site 1"                    

In my next post, I will cover on the Arithematic operations with Odata.

About AnithaEswaran

Hello all, Thanks for visiting my blog. I strongly believe in "Knowledge increases by sharing ,not by saving". With that in mind, I started this blog to share my learning with D365FO community. Since I am from technical background, most of my posts would be from X++, Azure integration and other topics. Thanks to my mentor and my colleague Romain Gasnier who guided and helped me in learning many new concepts in Ax. This instilled confidence in me to handle and troubleshoot complex issues.
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